Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monterey in September!

Bobby gets one weekend off every six weeks and it ended up working out for all of us to go to Monterey for the weekend. Phil had to come to California to work so Jill, Parker, Dixie and him meet us is Monterey for a weekend of family and fun!
We started off our first day by getting yummy lunch at a place called Archie's. It was great to all be together again! Here we are all eatingWhat a good looking family we have!

Next came just hanging out. We enjoyed walking around town and enjoying the beautiful day!

Then came the tide pools of which we went to both days we were there. We never fail to have such a fun time while exploring around; the tide pools are constantly changing and there's always new things to see. This time the boys went on the search for crabs and they definitely didn't come up empty handed. The found both an albino crab and a pretty big one for the tide pools.
Next came the beach. Chad, Bobby and Jake all rented boogie boards and wetsuits and had fun boogie boarding. The rest of us hung out on the beach eating dinner, enjoying Parker and Dixie, and sitting around the fire.
Last but not least was the seals and Fisherman's Wharf. We always have a good time there and this time was no exception. There was a man at the end of the wharf that had a whole bunch of birds and the kids all got to hold one, it was cool!

We had a great weekend and were definitely sad to leave but had a great two weeks ahead of us with Jill, Phil (on the weekends), Parker and Dixie with us in Modesto! Family is the best and I am soo thankful I have an eternal one!


  1. Looks like you and the family had fun! Monterey is a great place. It's nice to finally see some updates from you two!! =D

  2. Looks way fun! Can't wait til we can do it again. Maybe you can all come for Sam's farewell. Love ya Aunt Diane
